FVWM: A question about WindowShade and Refresh

From: RABAUTE Bastien <bastien.rabaute_at_regis-dgac.net>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 18:22:03 +0200


I don't know if the right address to write for my problem. Excuse my
english, I'm french !!!

It's concerning the option WindowShade in the fvwm2. I'm working on a
SUN Sparc 4, with Solaris 2.1, with FVWM 2.4.17.

The problem is : I have an application which manages some windows
(widgets!). SOme of these windows have a mode called 'Suivi' ("Follow"
in english!), which refresh the information contained in the window
every minute. The refresh can, according to the informations founded,
resizes the window.

But, when the window is just minimized at the title bar (with the use of
the WindowShade option), the resize is not possible !
Indeed, I'm doing an XtVaSetValues in my code, but the Window Manager
don't want to resize the window. So in the struct of the shell, there's
always the same width an height.

I've tried with XtNallowShellResize at TRUE, but the result is the same

So I don't know how to do it !

Is there a method to force the Window Manager to let me resize my window
!!! Or can I modify something in the fvwm to activate an option that let
me do that !

Thanks a lot for your answer.
Best regards,

Bastien Rabaute

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