RM> On Mon, Jun 14, 2004 at 04:43:08PM +0200, Roeland Moors wrote:
>> I have a fvwmIconMan inside my FvwmButtons. The area for this
>> IconMan is to large if there are only a couple apps. The IconMan
>> is then centered. Is it possible to bottom align the IconMan
>> inside the FvwmButtons?
>> I found a right, left, center option but not top, center, align.
RM> Here is a screenshot with the problem:
RM> The FvwmIconMan should be lower.
As I understand, to solve this problem you should configure
FvwmIconMan, not FvwmButtons.
$ man FvwmIconMan
*FvwmIconMan: [id] ManagerGeometry geometry
Specifies the initial geometry of the manager, in units of but-
tons. If height is 0, then the manager will use width columns, and
will grow vertically once it has more than width windows. Likewise,
if width is 0, it will use height rows, and grow hori- zontally. If
both are nonzero, then the manager window will be exactly that size,
and stay that way. As columns are created, the buttons will narrow to
accommodate. If the geometry is specified with a negative y
coordinate, then the window manager will grow upwards. Otherwise, it
will grow downwards.
As I see in screenshot, you use something like
"*FvwmIconMan: ManagerGeometry 1x0".
Try to use "*FvwmIconMan: ManagerGeometry 1x0+0-0"
As example you can view my very old config:
(screenshot of it is
Ruslan Kosolapov
Plesk QA Department Second Manager
SWsoft, Inc.
E-mail: rkosolapov_at_sw-soft.com
Web Site: www.sw-soft.com
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Received on Mon Jun 14 2004 - 11:20:26 BST