Re: FVWM: Question about what is showing up on screen

From: Roeland Moors <>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 18:49:03 +0200

On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 09:19:24AM -0700, Jay Hamilton wrote:
> Hello-
> I've been reading the man doc[s] and using FVWM for about 3 months, but
> I've yet to figure out what this one part of my screen is.
> Description-
> Usually appears in upper left corner
> Contains| a pager-element, eyes thingy, a clock, a fvwm box, a SuSe box,
> a Graphics box, a Tools box, and a shell box
> Mr. Alpine suggested that I look at pstree to see what/where these were
> but I couldn't translate what that command gave me into how to delete,
> change, this batch of stuff.
> Mainly I end up shrinking it but that's really not elegant.
> So, what's that part called? And then perhaps I can deal with it.
I think you mean FvwmButtons
The config is in the ~/.fvwm dir (.fvwm2rc)
Look at these man pages: FvwmButtons, fvwm

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