FVWM: swallow jpilot

From: Randy Schultz <schultz_at_sgi.com>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 03:06:21 -0500 (CDT)

Hey all,

I've been trying unsuccessfully to get fvwm 2.5.7 to swallow jpilot on startup.
The icon just lands on the desktop. I've tried various names in the
.fvwm2rc, e.g.
   *FvwmButtonsColumns 1
   *FvwmButtons (1x1 Frame 0 Swallow(UseOld) "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 0")
   *FvwmButtons: (Swallow FvwmXclock 'Exec xclock -name "FvwmXclock" -geometry +0+0 -padding 1 -bg grey67 &')
   *FvwmButtons: (Swallow "JPilot" 'Exec jpilot -name "jpilot" -geometry +0+0 -padding 1 -bg grey67 &')

   BorderStyle Inactive -- HiddenHandles NoInset
   Style "*" SloppyFocus
   Style "*" DecorateTransient
   Style "*" StickyIcon
   Style "*" SmartPlacement, RandomPlacement
   Style "*" MinOverlapPlacement
   Style "FvwmWinList" NoTitle, WindowListSkip
   Style "FvwmButtons" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
   Style "FvwmBanner" NoTitle, Sticky, StaysOnTop, WindowListSkip
   Style "IconManModule" NoTitle, Sticky, NoHandles, Icon toolbox.xpm
   Style "jpilot" StartIconic

FvwmIdent identifies the icon as
   Name: J-Pilot 0.99.6
   Icon Name: J-Pilot
   Class: Jpilot
   Resource: jpilot

so I've tried swallowing all 4 names to no avail. Can anybody head me in the
right direction?

 Randy    (schultz_at_sgi.com)  715-726-2832          <*>
 The Penguin Cometh
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