Re: FVWM: Intercepting X11 events: from where and how

From: Scott Smedley <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 13:07:20 +1000

: > > When generating XEvents, does the source use XSendEvent()?
: >
: > XSendEvent is an Xlib function, so C programs would use this
: > interface. Other non-C GUI toolkits would use a similar interface.
: >
: I would imagine that non-C GUI toolkits would be written in C; tk is
: written in C for example. Do you disagree?

Sorry - I didn't explain myself properly. I meant other GUI toolkits
that aren't written in C would use a similar interface. For example,
FvwmTabs uses the CPAN X11::Protocol module which "talks" with the
X server directly - no C, all Perl.

Tk is most definitely written in C.

: I had never thought of this method of intercepting events; it looks like a
: good idea. The code I've found
: (
: looks almost painfully old (written in K&R C; x11r4 in the uri).

Grab the CVS version:

$ cvs -d login
(Logging in to
CVS password: [hit return here]
$ cvs -d co xscope

: This xscope tip is really helpful. Thanks.

Glad I could help.

SCoTT. :)
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