Re: FVWM: Most used applications?

From: Shay <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 14:25:44 -0500

Nicholas Paul Johnson wrote:

>your email has sparked my interest creating user interfaces which "adapt"
>to the user's habits. I plan on writing a large number of scripts to work
>with fvwm which accomplish this goal.
>The basic idea is that there will be three parts: an observation layer
>which tries to gather information about user habits, either through the
>windowing system or from the command line, an analysis layer, which takes
>this information and turns it into a statistical model of the user's
>habits, and then a backend which translates this model into menus, forms,
>focus policies, etc.
>If you are interested, look at:
>Take it easy,

That's very exciting. Unlike you, my computer usage chart would be very
curvy. I might work for a month on POV-Ray every night, then switch to
working on my comic for a few weeks, then work on a web page for a week
or so. Your project interests me because FVWM could be made to adapt to
my changes in the manner that later Windows versions do (but to an even
greater degree).

This is the part which I found most exciting:
<Quoted from link>
There should be a correlation between the frequency of use of documents
and how easy it is for me to access those documents. For example, if one
were to look at my home directory's structure, one would notice that
current projects are only one directory deep, where older projects get
moved deeper into the directory structure.
</Quote from link>

The most recently used files could even be written into an autohide
fvwmbuttons panel.

I hope this project really takes off and that others take interest. For
users like myself or my wife ( a college student ) with hundreds of
stored files and projects, along with a good number of programs needed
at different times for working on those projects, the functionality you
have planned would cause a *major* shift in how we use our computers.


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Received on Mon May 10 2004 - 14:29:25 BST

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