FVWM: triangle in sub-menu

From: Keith Kaple <kak_at_cisco.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 12:14:12 -0400

What command colors the triangle for submenus?

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I have black menus and the arrow isn't visible, not sure how to change this...

# Set the fore and back border colors for the window that has focus
HilightColor black "cornflower blue"
# Set fore/back border colors for all other windows
Style "*" Color white/DimGrey
#Style "xcpu" Color white/blue
# Style "*term" Icon xterm.xpm
Style "*" Icon missing.xpm
MenuStyle * Foreground Orange, Background Black
MenuStyle * ActiveFore green, Font lucidasanstypewriter-12
WindowFont lucidasanstypewriter-12
IconFont lucidasanstypewriter-12

Style "*" IconBox -200 -700 -1 -200
#Style "*" NoIcon
# If you want ALL icons to follow you around the desktop (Sticky)
Style "*" StickyIcon
# FOCUS Setup
ColormapFocus FollowsFocus
Style "*term" SloppyFocus

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Received on Thu Aug 10 2000 - 11:14:21 BST

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