I have tried to configure fvwm so that it behaves the same as other
window-manager on resizing and moving: When pressing ALT, clicking into
a window with the left mousebutton should move the window, clicking the
right mousebutton should grep the nearest edge (or border, what I had to
add to the shellscript) of the window and do a resize.
Below you see the configuration for this. The attached script (that
certainly has to be executable and stored in the search path; it
probably requires bash.) calculates the nearest corner and prints out
the statement to move the mouse cursor to it.
Moving works fine. On resizing the problem is that you have to release
the right mousebutton before resizing is started. Is there a way to
change this behaviour to directly starting the resizing on mouse press?
(I have started this experiments some months ago, but did not find the
time to work on it for longer now)
Thank you,
#---- Alt+Mouse to handle windows.
DestroyFunc MyMove
AddToFunc MyMove
+ M Move
+ C RaiseLower
DestroyFunc MyResize
AddToFunc MyResize
+ I StoreMousePos
+ I WarpToNearestEdge
+ I Resize
+ I RecallMousePos
DestroyFunc StoreMousePos
AddToFunc StoreMousePos
+ I SetEnv POINTERX $[pointer.wx]
+ I SetEnv POINTERY $[pointer.wy]
DestroyFunc RecallMousePos
AddToFunc RecallMousePos
+ I WarpToWindow $[POINTERX]p $[POINTERY]p
DestroyFunc WarpToNearestEdge
AddToFunc WarpToNearestEdge
+ I PipeRead `FvwmWarpToNearestEdge $[w.width] $[w.height]
$[pointer.wx] $[pointer.wy]`
Mouse 1 WTSF M MyMove
Mouse 3 WTSF M MyResize
# required Parameters:
# $1 w.width
# $2 w.height
# $3 pointer.wx
# $4 pointer.wy
# some default, just to be sure.
# define x position
if [[ $[ $1/2 - $3 ] > 0 ]]; then WARPX=0; else WARPX=100; fi
# define y position
if [[ $[ $2/2 - $4 ] > 0 ]]; then WARPY=0; else WARPY=100; fi
echo "WarpToWindow $WARPX $WARPY"
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