Re: FVWM: Fvwm, the pager, and multiple screens (monitors)

From: Athanasius <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 11:50:00 +0100

On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 12:34:52PM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> As far as I understand Xinarama and multi-head, the setup you
> describe is not possible. Either you are running Xinareama and
> *one* fvwm, or you have a multi-head setup and one fvwm for each
> screen. With Xinerama you can move windows to all video screens,
> with multi-head you can't.

  Yes, I got confused when fiddling things around attempting to get the
setup I wanted. I do indeed have Xinerama off, as when on that just
gives me a double-width desktop across the two minitors, which isn't
what I want.

> Can you please post:
> - the relevant parts of you X config
> - the lines you use to start fvwm
> - all Xinerama and Desktop settings from your .fvwm2rc

  Files attached. Note I've switched to NOT using -s on the fvwm in
.xinitrc, and am instead using a "Read .fvwm2rc.<screen number>" in
~/.fvwm2rc and the relevant files in ~/.fvwm/ to get different Init
sections for the two fvwm2 instances.

> I need this information tu understand what you are doing.

  If recoding is needed I'd guess that the setup would be:

        1) Xinerama *on* so that windows can be moved between screens
        2) fvwm2 code changed to treat the two screens as seperate
        virtual desktops instead of as one double-width one.
        3) FvwmPager code changed to specify independently which virtual
        desktop is displayed on either screen.

The basic thing is to NOT have the two screens forming one virtual
desktop and to have a single FvwmPager for controlling what is displayed
on the seperate virtual desktops/screens.


- Athanasius = Athanasius(at) /
                  Finger athan(at) for PGP key
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Me who makes the monsters. Me who strips my confidence." Paula Cole - ME

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