Re: FVWM: Simple ?'s

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 09:49:25 -0400

"Thomas A. Gardiner" <> writes:
> Hi,
> Simple question. I've been using fvwm for some time now but
> always the latest stable release. I thought I might try living a little
> more on the edge and use some of the beta code to explore some of the
> theme work and new features which are being put into fvwm. Any
> suggestions on:
> 1) Themes? I've been using a hacked AnotherLevel m4 configuration. How
> far has the themes work progressed?
> 2) New features, etc. Am I reading the man pages like a book to find out
> what's new or is something else written up?

Look at the "docs/ANNOUNCE" file.

> 3) Suggestion on which release to try and why? How to get it? etc?

The latest snapshot. Its very stable. Check the download section at

> Thanks for reading such a boring email, :-)
> Tom
> One more question. Has there been any thought of including some scripting
> abilities into the .fvwm2rc files such as a simple include, or has it been
> decided to leave this sort of thing to m4 or cpp pre-processing?

Fvwm's "read" command does this.

Dan Espen
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Piscataway, NJ 08854                     Phone: (732) 699-5570
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