FVWM: [REPORT] Backporting fvwm to WOODY (was: New Debian package, second try)

From: Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle_at_freenet.de>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:19:03 +0100

Hello Manjo and others,

Am 2004-03-22 22:37:01, schrieb Manoj Srivastava:

>> I like to backport it to WOODY.
> Please let me know how it goes.
> manoj

Curently I am trying to Backport fvwm 2.5.8 to Debian/WOODY...

Big grrrrrrrrrrr.........

OK, I have tried to trim the dependencies to the Versions in WOODY...
..but it requires libfontconfig1-dev which is NOT in WOODY !

OK, downloaded and... trimed down the dependencies...

I can not change in the control-file the dependencies to
libfreetype6-dev back to 2.0.9 for WOODY.

It requires funktions which are not availlable in 2.0.9

I have already a backport of 2.1.7-2 which comes from UNSTABLE
but it conflicts with openoffice.org1.1, which REQUIRES a version
>> 2.1.0 !

My openoffice.org1.1 backport is

deb ftp://ftp.freenet.de/pub/debian-openoffice/ woody main contrib

OK, I have deinstalled (realy bad Idea) openoffice.org1.1 and
installed the newer libfreetype6 version...

Noww it seems to build fine the 'fontconfig1' without...

binutils from woody are and make an error:

objcopy: unrecognized option `--only-keep-debug`


I think, if a WOODY system must be upgraded with

libfreetype6-dev version 2.1.7 which conflicts with openoffice.org1.1 and
binutils must updated to Version then it is inacceptable.

Please let me know.

If someone like to get it, I will compile it up to the end, but I need
openoffice.org.1.1 and can personaly not use fvwm 2.5.8

But be warned !!!

Updating of binutils can make you trouble...


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Received on Wed Mar 24 2004 - 15:48:20 GMT

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