I am using Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r2 WOODY
I have seen, that fvwm 2.5.8 has /usr/share/locale/ar ;-)
which is very fine, but I cant get the arabic font running.
I have installed 'mozilla' and 'openoffice.org.1.1' with
the arabic language packs.
I have set the locales to 'ar_MA' for Morocco and installed
xfonts-intl-arabic but it does not work...
The menus are there but there is no text exept the "undeline"
I have had on my old system an arabic font iso8859-6 but I do
not know where I have botten it.
I can not use UTF-8 because it conflicts with to much other
I have tried:
____ /home/michelle/.Xresources ______________________________________
| font: -arabic-newspaper-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
but without luck. Is there anyone which can help me ?
I need it urgently, because in some month I will migrate to
Morocco and I need a working franco/arabic System.
Oh yes, in KDE it works... but I can not use 'mozilla' or
'openoffice.org1.1' paralel with KDE on a PII/333 with 256
MByte or memory.
They are not so rich to buy better Duron 800 :-/
And why KDE or GNOME if fvwm 2.4.16 works perfectly ?
OK, I will backport 2.5.8 to WOODY
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Received on Tue Mar 23 2004 - 08:59:15 GMT