FVWM: Fvwm and kde

From: Denis Prost <denis.prost_at_wanadoo.fr>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 09:05:20 +0100


I'm new to the list.

I'm using fvwm with KDE (nice combination !). Everything works fine except two
small problems :

1) the icons in the kde systray are not properly displayed for a few
applications :
- korn (tells you how many mails are in your mailbox) : the button size for
each mailbox, sometimes fits, sometimes does not fit the systray size
- klipper, kmix : the icon is not properly centered in the systray

2) Pressing the button for the focused window on the kde taskbar does not
iconify it (it does with kwin), while right clicking on it and selecting
"minimize" works.

Any hint about it ?



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