Re: FVWM: Automatic application menus

From: Gert Brinkmann <>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 16:36:08 +0100

Uwe Pross wrote:

>>$ cat /usr/lib/menu/vim-X11
> I have a look at these files at home. I have been pointed
> to this already by a privat mail. This seems to be debian
> specific. Anyway I have sarge running at home so this might
> be a solution.

debian automatically generates the menu named "/Debian" that you can
include in your fvwm-Menu-definitions using the "menu" utility.

Check out and "Read" this file in your prefs:

------- SNIP --------
# Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see

DestroyMenu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
AddToMenu "/Debian/Apps/Editors" "Editors" Title Top
+ "&Gedit%/usr/share/pixmaps/gedit-icon.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/gedit
+ "G&limmer" Exec exec /usr/bin/glimmer
+ "gv&im%/usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/vim.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/gvim
------- SNIP --------


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Received on Mon Feb 02 2004 - 09:39:23 GMT

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