From: Hans Fugal <hans_at_fugal.net>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 15:47:24 -0700

I'd like to make my Gaim conversation window sticky, but not the buddy
list. Gaim sets

WM_CLASS(STRING) = "gaim", "Gaim"

for all its windows, and claims it's doing The Right Thing as you can
read here:


So I need to be able to set style based on WM_WINDOW_ROLE. How do I go
about doing this?

 .O.  Hans Fugal            | De gustibus non disputandum est.
 ..O  http://hans.fugal.net | Debian, vim, mutt, ruby, text, gpg
 OOO                        | WindowMaker, gaim, UTF-8, RISC, JS Bach
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