FVWM: Title bar transparency

From: Cody Dean Hartwig <chartwig_at_engin.umich.edu>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 23:55:15 -0500


I'm having trouble modifying my rc file and I'm hoping someone here can help.
My goal is to end up with transparent (or semitransparent) title bars. I've
seen screenshots documenting that this can be done, and I've downloaded and
tried some sample rc files, but I can never seem to acheive this. If anyone
could post the relevant commands that would produce this result that would be
excellent. Thank a lot in advance. I really appreciate the help, FVWM is by
far my favorite WM, using it is a true joy.

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Received on Sun Jan 25 2004 - 22:57:26 GMT

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