Re: FVWM: Track->Scheduler and own functions

From: Mario Domgörgen <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 22:27:52 +0100

Mikhael Goikhman <> writes:

First, thank you, the missing $module->eventLoop was the problem, i
thought because of not wanting data from Fvwm i could leave that
out... So, i got the next error, but this time i bet it's totally perl

| Can't use string ("gnomeicu_update") as a subroutine ref while "strict
| refs" in use at
| /usr/local/stow/fvwm-2.5.8/share/fvwm/perllib/FVWM/Tracker/
| line 57.

In your example on the manpage you used a small sub in place of the
callback, but that will be harder to read for my subroutine, so i'm not
sure what to do about that?! I try &gnomeicu_update and
&gnomeicu_update() but i haven't worked in both cases...

And let thank you again for your help!


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Received on Thu Jan 22 2004 - 15:28:52 GMT

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