FVWM: frame_x and frame_y in FvwmPerl

From: Ben Winslow <rain_at_bluecherry.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 09:56:57 -0500

I was wondering why frame_x and frame_y are handled in FvwmPerl as
unsigned numbers. Since the positions are given relative to the current
viewport, -1024 (e.g.) is a perfectly normal X coordinate; therefore, it
doesn't make much sense to use an unsigned number (as it'll usually need
to be converted back to a signed number to be useful.) The C modules
treat frame_x/frame_y as ints, which are implicitly signed, so the
behavior doesn't match in that case either.

Additionally, I wanted to point out that the example in the
documentation for FVWM::Module::Gtk2 doesn't work (Gtk2 needs to be
initialized before FVWM::Module::Gtk2 if Debug is set--otherwise, the
module will explode when it tries to create the debug window.)

Ben Winslow <rain_at_bluecherry.net>

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Received on Tue Jan 20 2004 - 08:59:11 GMT

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