Re: FVWM: Building/Installing SRPM/RPM

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 22:06:51 +0000

On 06 Jan 2004 09:09:10 -0500, Ryan Daly wrote:
> This may not be the right place to ask this, but I thought I'd try.

Yes, probably rpm related mailing lists would be a better place to ask.
You didn't specify your system, your rpmbuild version and your way to
create this rpm. I guess you used your own procedure, not our:

  make rpm-dist release="2.CTCINT"

> I'm building v2.5.8 from source into a SRPM/RPM. When I go to install
> the RPM, I get the following:
> : linux13 23#; rpm -Uvh fvwm-CTCINT-2.5.8-02.i386.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
> perl(Gtk) is needed by fvwm-CTCINT-2.5.8-02
> Suggested resolutions:
> Gtk-Perl-0.7008-31.i386.rpm
> I didn't compile Gtk into FVWM, so I'm not sure why this is coming up.
> Any suggestions?

Use --nodeps, or just install the suggested package. is needed by
FvwmGtkDebug module, although it should be fine to run this module even
without this package (you get a message window suggesting what to do).

Or if you may rebuild rpm, build it on an old system or with another
rpmbuild version so it does not add any perl(Something) dependancies.
Or maybe you may just convince your current rpmbuild not to add this,
since such dependances are not really required for every user.

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Received on Tue Jan 06 2004 - 16:09:48 GMT

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