Re: FVWM: FvwmTaskbar changes button order on page change

From: Gert Brinkmann <>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 22:22:35 +0100

Olivier Chapuis wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 26, 2003 at 11:27:34PM +0200, Gert Brinkmann wrote:

Sorry that I did not answer for such a long time. Because of some
missing features in fvwm and because of not enough time to add them
manually, I did continue to use icewm. At the moment I am back
experimenting with fvwm.

>>when I start fvwm (the current CVS version) and open FvwmTaskbar, 3
>>When I repeat the page change the order keeps the same in most cases,
>>but not always. It seems to be a little random like? Maybe it has to do
>>with the order of the last focused windows?

> Yes and no. It seems to me that it is difficult to implement something
> like PageOnly with the fvwm to module communication that we have now.
> One problem is that a page can be any where on the desktop so
> redrawing should be done window by window (technically, at each
> CONFIGURE_WINDOW packet). The result is a semi-random order (maybe
> fixable) and a lot of redrawing.

Maybe in pageonly mode the windows should be ordered alphabetically? And
if they have the same name by the window ID (I think there is one?).

> I suggest to do not use the PageOnly option. What about DeskOnly
> and a relayout of your Pages/Desks ...

Yes, this might be a solution. Currently I am testing fvwm together with
the gnome desktop (and especially gnome-panel) so maybe I do not have
this problem any longer but possibly others.

>>Oh, btw: In the current version of fvwm FvwmTaskbar is very very slow.
>>When switching to another (empty) page it takes about 2 seconds until
>>all listed windows are hidden in the FvwmTaskbar. When I return to the
>>page with some windows on, I can watch each single window
>>(represantation) pop up in the Fvwm. I think, this is not normal.
> Apriori it is not. Can you send your config. I see a lot of redrawing
> in some case with PageOnly (for the reason I just explained) but when
> switching between page with a lot of windows (and this does not take 2
> secs). But, maybe you have a very slow machine and/or X?

Do you still want my experimental configuration? I had to test first if
this behaviour still occurs. My machine is not very fast (400MHz Celeron
with TNT2 GfxCard). But the behaviour did not exist in older 2.5-fvwm
versions that I had tested before July.



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