FVWM: Re: key to prelude a fvwm command

From: parv <parv_at_pair.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 17:04:39 -0500

in message <20031222211034.GC18015_at_home.manuelm.org>, wrote Frank
Gruellich thusly...
> I go now for several weeks with fvwm (now 2.5.8)
> Now I'm confronted with the lack of keys. Several times it
> happens, that I strike a programs internal hotkey and realize
> immediatelly, that I bound a fvwm command to it.
> My former 'window manager' (screen) has a neat feature: any screen
> command is introduced by a special escape key (C-a by default).

You could create one key binding to a popup menu, which would have
each entry assigned a hot key...

  key c A 4 Popup menu

  DestroyMenu menu
  AddToMenu menu "menu" Title
  + &w3m Exec xterm -e w3m
  + &netscape Exec netscape
  + &mozilla Exec mozilla

...so after you press "Super_L-c, m" sequence, mozilla would be
executed. It may create a flash effect if keys are pressed w/in very
short time period.

See fvwm(1) for details.

  - Parv

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Received on Mon Dec 22 2003 - 16:02:53 GMT

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