Re: FVWM: Thanks (and a question)

From: Andy Arbon <>
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2003 18:32:15 +0000

Mike Hunter wrote:
| Anyway, I've got a problem with fvwm's interaction with netscape. When I
| do Control-F to find-in-text, it pops up its little window to get the
| text, but the window doesn't have any handles. I'm not sure how to tell
| fvwm to force handles onto it. I don't think this is a netscape-specific
| problem...other crappy applications sometimes make similar "pop-ups".


The command you want is:
Style * DecorateTransient

This will force all transient (about boxes, error dialogues, etc)
windows to be decorated in the same way that your main windows are.



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Received on Mon Dec 01 2003 - 14:23:27 GMT

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