FVWM: Running under CDE

From: Paul_A <acks_at_home.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 15:15:10 -0400

I've dabbled with fvwm 2.2.3 in place of dtwm on my Sun workstation, but
have gone back to dtwm for the simple reason that the Copy and Paste keys
work right out of the box. Can anyone tell me how I might go about getting
these Sun-keyboard specific keys working in fvwm2? These keys also have the
advantage in CDE that they apply to some sort of auxilary cutbuffer, or
whatever the correct terminology is (I'm no GUI programmer).

Paul Ackersviller
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Received on Mon Jun 26 2000 - 14:15:28 BST

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