I am trying to get Gaim windows for example to autoshade when the mouse or focus leaves the window.
I ripped this function from the mailinglist:
DestroyFunc AutoShadeOn
AddToFunc AutoShadeOn I WindowShade True
DestroyFunc AutoShadeOff
AddToFunc AutoShadeOff I WindowShade False
Module FvwmAuto 0 "Silent AutoShadeOff" "Silent AutoShadeOn"
I would like to be able to use this function for Windows that have the State set to 1 or something else, but how do i set the State command value to something without clicking on a button?
The prefered way would be to do this:
Style Gaim State 1, StaysOnTop, TitleAtLeft, Layer 4
But that doesnt seem to work at all, or is there any other way to decide at a configuration file level which windows are gonna use the above AutoShade function?
I hope some of you fvwm2 hackers can help me out with this.
Best Regards /* Johannes */
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Received on Thu Oct 23 2003 - 09:51:50 BST