Fw: FVWM: Java freezes fvwm shortcuts

From: Randy <randy.smith_at_firstworld.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 10:31:54 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: Sven Esbjerg
To: fvwm_at_fvwm.org
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 4:09 AM
Subject: FVWM: Java freezes fvwm shortcuts

I'm haveing some problems with fvwm2. When I use netscape and I browse through
pages that uses java fvwm sort of freezes. All key-bindings and mouse-bindings
stop working. Not even a restart will help - only to kill X.

Has anyone experienced anything like it? Does anyone have a clue on how to
debug such a thing - do I start with fvwm2 or X?

I'm using Netscape 4.73 with 128bit encryption, XFree86-3.3.6 and fvwm 2.2.4.
It happens while running either Linux or FreeBSD.

Any help is much appreciated
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Received on Wed Jun 21 2000 - 12:31:22 BST

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