FVWM: No decorations w/ Mozilla under Tru64

From: Jason White <jdwhite_at_jdwhite.org>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 16:12:14 -0500

  I'm currently running fvwm-2.4.17 under Compaq Tru64 unix 4.x. For a
while now my mozilla windows havn't been getting any decorations or show
up in the window list. Occasionally, one of the dialog windows does get
decorations, but most of them don't. I have no Style settings my rc
file that would prohibit this, and I'm at a loss to explain why it
doesn't even show up in my window list.

Any ideas?


Jason White (jdwhite_at_jdwhite.org)  http://www.jdwhite.org/~jdwhite
Jabber:jdwhite_at_jabber.org <=preferred  IRC:irc.netbsd.org/{jdwhite,jdw}
AIM:jdwhite90125  Yahoo:jdwhite89
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