Re: FVWM: Lost title bar and buttons

From: Vivek <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 10:31:54 +0100 (BST)

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Juan Leon Lahoz Garcia wrote:

> file is my old trusty .fvwm95rc slighty modified (the paths, only).
> Anybody can tell me how to get the old behaviour (all windows should
> have the title except when NoTitle is specified in a "Style" line)?
> In fact, I have the following line in my config file:
> Style "*" Title, BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5

I _think_ 'DecorateTransient' is what you want, try adding it to your
default style.

>From the man page:

              DecorateTransient causes transient windows, which
              are normally left undecorated, to be given the
              usual fvwm decorations (title bar, buttons, etc.).
              Note that some pop-up windows, such as the xterm
              menus, are not managed by the window manager and
              still do not receive decorations. NakedTransient
              (the default) causes transient windows not to be
              given the standard decorations.

"... I've seen Sun monitors on fire off the side of the multimedia lab.
I've seen NTU lights glitter in the dark near the Mail Gate.  All these
things will be lost in time, like the root partition last week.  Time
to die..." - Peter Gutmann - a.s.r
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