Re: FVWM: multiple resizing function

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 02:12:15 +0200

On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 03:24:02PM -0230, Neil Zanella wrote:
> Hello,
> I wonder if it is possible to do the following with fvwm2: I would like to
> have a function bound to a titlebar button that does the following:
> - Upon first click the window is maximized horizontally.
> - Upon second click the window is expanded so that its right border
> touches the right side of the viewport immediately to the window's
> right.
> - Upon third click the above step is repeated so that the window occupies
> three viewports (the original one and the two to its right).
> - At the nth click the window occupies n viewports, etc...

With the patch I have just made it's possible:

  AddToFunc MaximizeWidthMult
  + i piperead "echo maximize on $$[(($[w.width] + 50) / $[vp.width]) * 100 + 100] 0"

This works with zsh, but probably also with bash, sh, ...
The interesting parts are the outer '$$[...]' which is a
quoted shell arithmetic expansion ($[...]) and the inner
$[w.width] which is replaced by the window's width by fvwm
and the $[vp.width] (viewport width). The +50 rounds up the
window's width in case the viewport width is not a multiple
of the window's width_inc.

The patches are fairly trivial. In fact writing the new
parameters (see ChangeLog and man page) brought up half
a dozen bugs in the expansion code that were already there :-p
So I allowed me to commit these changes without asking for
votes first (I hope nobody takes offense - it's just that
the patch is trivial and fixes more core dumps than is could
possibly cause :-) )


Dominik ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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