FVWM: Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 13:10:57 +0200

From: Acikgöz Birol <bacikgoez_at_iam102.pdb.sni.de>
Date: Mon Apr 17 06:11:23 2000

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Dan Espen [mailto:dane_at_mk.telcordia.com]
Gesendet am: Freitag, 14. April 2000 17:12
An: Acikgöz Birol
Cc: 'fvwm_at_fvwm.org'
Betreff: Re: FVWM: FAQ

Acikgöz Birol <bacikgoez_at_iam102.pdb.sni.de> writes:
> Hi peoples !
> I have a question abaut the FAQ Number 3.8
> 3.8 I really like the horizontal bars that appear on the title bars of
> sticky windows. Can I get those on other windows as well?
> A: Yes. Put the line "Style * StippledTitle" in your .fvwm2rc.
> When i add the line Style * StippledTitle or Style "*" StippledTitle
> my .fvwm2rc , then i became after start fvwm2 in the xmessages
> Window the message " bad Style command : StippledTitle "
> What is the problem here ?
> Thanks for your answer and regards !

You don't say which release of fvwm you are using.

Check your man page, in the release you have, stippledtitles may
be a GlobalOpt.

As soon as we can figure out when this changed, we will fix the FAQ
so it indicates when this became a style option.

Dan Espen
444 Hoes Lane  Room RRC 1C-214           E-mail: dane_at_mk.telcordia.com
Piscataway, NJ 08854                     Phone: (732) 699-5570
I'm using the FVWM2 Version 2.0.46-63 (this Vers. Nr. is readet from Yast
SuSE 6.1).
My question is now , can i not use this option in my FVWM version or what
can i do to use it.
Thanks and regards
Birol Acikgöz
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Received on Mon Apr 17 2000 - 06:11:23 BST

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