FVWM: Pixmap window buttons and bevels

From: Douglas Straub <des_at_rmi.net>
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 08:42:57 -0500

    I can't seem to get rid of the bevels that go around the buttons on
window decorations. I am using
pixmaps for the buttons, and the buttons are rectangular(not square).
Is this what -- flat is supposed
to do? Any suggestions? I am using 2.3.25, and here is the releveant

DestroyDecor XMac
AddToDecor XMac
+ BorderStyle Active (TiledPixmap border_pixel-active.xpm -- flat
HiddenHandles NoInset) Inactive (TiledPixmap border_pixel-inactive.xpm
-- flat HiddenHandles NoInset)
#+ ButtonStyle All (-- flat)
+ TitleStyle Height 21 Top
     HilightColor black,\
     WindowFont -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
+ TitleStyle ActiveDown (TiledPixmap title-active.xpm -- Flat) \
             ActiveUp (TiledPixmap title-active.xpm -- flat) \
             Inactive (TiledPixmap title-inactive.xpm -- Flat)
+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveUp (Pixmap yellow-active.xpm -- flat) \
        ActiveDown (Pixmap yellow-pressed.xpm -- flat) \
        Inactive (Pixmap yellow-inactive.xpm -- flat)
+ ButtonStyle 2 ActiveUp (Pixmap green-active.xpm -- flat) \
        ActiveDown (Pixmap green-pressed.xpm -- flat) \
        Inactive (Pixmap green-inactive.xpm -- flat)
+ ButtonStyle 3 ActiveUp (Pixmap red-active.xpm -- flat) \
        ActiveDown (Pixmap red-pressed.xpm -- flat) \
        Inactive (Pixmap red-inactive.xpm -- flat)
+ ButtonStyle 4 ActiveUp (Pixmap clear-active.xpm -- flat) \
        ActiveDown (Pixmap clear-pressed.xpm -- flat) \
        Inactive (Pixmap clear-inactive.xpm -- flat)

Any help is appreciated.

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Received on Sun Apr 02 2000 - 10:35:48 BST

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