FVWM: Maximize, but not to top of screen?

From: Neil Bird <neil.bird_at_rdel.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:44:36 +0000

  I'd like to set <Ctrl-Open> to Maximize 0 80 (I've currently got it 0
100) because I don't want the window to obscure my xticker, which sits

  However, I can't make Maximise put the window anywhere but the top of
the screen (just what I don't want). I thought maybe I could do Maximise 0
-20, but it seems -20 is /synonymous/ with 80.

  Any ideas? I know I could probably wangle a Resize to do the job, but
then I couldn't toggle it back.

  On a similar note, if I resize/move a maximised window, it loses it's
maximised status, when I'd expect Maximise to still toggle it back to
where it was. Is this the intended functionality?

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Received on Tue Jan 18 2000 - 04:45:05 GMT

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