Re: FVWM: Argument Passing?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 14:59:34 GMT

> From: "Thomas A. Gardiner" <>

> Quite honestly I guess I just don't yet understand the fvwm2 _way_ of
> doing things since I'm learning by basicaly hacking on the AnotherLevel
> package which appears to be a bit out of date (eg. not a single PipeRead
> statement exists in the version of AnotherLevel I'm using!). Well, all in
> due time...
> Thanks,
> Tom

Dpending on how far through your AnotherLevel hack you are, it may well be
worth you taking a look at AnotherLevelUp, the package I announced last week.
Lots of PipeReads there (e.g. for changing preferences sets). It's still got
marked most of the places where I have made changes from AnotherLevel, which
might help you! (Although I intend to tidy that up in a future release.)


John Latham

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