FVWM: a vector button submission

From: jason <jason_at_sdf.lonestar.org>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 12:12:08 -0600 (CST)


  I don't recall where to send new vector buttons (yep, I checked the
archives). Anyway, knowing little about what the values meant, several
months back I was able to create, through trial and error, a vector button
that looks like a push-pin which I use on a button that makes windows
Sticky/unSticky. Use it if you like it. :-)

ButtonStyle 7 10 25x20_at_1 30x25_at_1 30x55_at_1 43x55_at_0 50x85_at_1 57x55_at_0 \
                 70x55_at_0 70x25_at_0 75x20_at_0 25x20_at_1


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