An RXVT based run dialog with tab completion

What follows is the description of a very simple way to realize a run dialog (a little dialog where the user can enter the name of an executable to start) using an RXVT (a terminal emulator as e.g. xterm). The trick is to bind the string "&\nexit\n" to the return key. See Tips/XTermRunDialogue on how to do this with xterm.

The following script, starts the dialog:

rxvt +sb -name fvwm-run-dialog -title "run" -geometry 80x1+224+360 \
--keysym.0xFF0D: " &\nexit\n" -e bash --init-file \

This above script needs the following BASH initialization script

# ~/.fvwm/run-dialog.bash-init
export PS1=""

To bind the dialog to a key put for example the following lines in your FVWM configuration:

Style fvwm-run-dialog FPGrabFocus, FPReleaseFocus
Key R A 4 Exec exec $[HOME]/.fvwm/run-dialog

This allows you to start the dialog using “Win-R”. Note that the dialog is not pretty but it’s resource friendly and offers tab completion since it’s based on a real shell.


Its quite annoying having “exit” written to my .bash_history every time i use this “Run” Dialog. So I put an additional line to dialog script:

export PS1=""
export HISTCONTROL="ignorespace"

And I changed the script to read:

rxvt +sb -name fvwm-run-dialog -title "run" -geometry 80x1+224+360 \
--keysym.0xFF0D: " &\n exit\n" -e bash --init-file \

Notice the Space right before “exit”.

To explain: HISTCONTROL=”ignorespace” tells bash not to write commands to the history file which are preceded by a Space.

And the Space before “exit” makes this line not appear in the history.