Maximizing windows with free space at top
I have laptop with a broken LCD, it lacks the first 27pixel rows, these usually cover the titlebar of normally-maximized windows. Having a window maximized with some free space at the bottom is an easy task, just use EwmhBaseStruts which reserves space along the edge of the screen when windows are maximized and placed:
# EmwhBaseStruts [left] [right] [top] [bottom]
EwmhBaseStruts 0 0 27 0
An older Alternative was to write a customized MyMaximize function to do the work. This is done by using the Maximize function inputs to make the window to be 27 pixels less than the height of the screen, then Move the window down 27 pixels.
AddToFunc MyMaximize
+ I Maximize 100 -27p
+ I Current (Maximized) Move 0p 27p