Alt-Tab: Switching focus between windows.
The default-config Alt-Tab binding in fvwm looks like:
Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, SelectOnRelease Meta_L, CurrentAtEnd
When Alt-Tab is hit a menu appears that lists all the windows. As long as you hold down the Alt key, you can keep pressing tab to cycle through this menu to select the window you want, then release Alt to switch to that window.
Although WindowList
can be configured a bit, not everyone
wants a menu to appear when one hits Alt-Tab. One
simple solution to that is just use the Next
and Prev
to switch between windows. For example if one wanted to switch between
windows on the current desktop, the following keybindings would work.
Key Tab A M Next (CurrentDesk, AcceptsFocus) Focus
Key Tab A SM Prev (CurrentDesk, AcceptsFocus) Focus
This simple solution works but it may not completely achieve the affect you
want. For example if you hit Alt-Tab again do you want to go back to your
previous window or not? Do you want to move the pointer to the window
that is selected? Do you want to DeIconify
the window or Raise
it? The
command only gives the window focus, it doesn’t alter the window
list order, deiconify, raise, or even move the mouse pointer. All of this
can be achieved with a more complex function:
# Custom Focus Function
DestroyFunc MyFocusFunc
AddToFunc MyFocusFunc
+ I Iconify off
+ I FlipFocus
+ I Raise
+ I WarpToWindow !raise 5 5
# Key Bindings
Key Tab A M Next (CurrentDesk, AcceptsFocus) MyFocusFunc
Key Tab A SM Prev (CurrentDesk, AcceptsFocus) MyFocusFunc
As you can see you can keep building on this to achieve an Alt-Tab behavior that is more like you want. Next is another example that someone used because even this did not achieve the desired Alt-Tab experience the user wanted.
Another Alt-Tab Function
I don’t like the default behavior of fvwm’s Alt-Tab key combination – yes,
the WindowList
is useful, but it’s not what I want to see when I want to
focus other windows — I prefer (dare I say it) functionality similar to
MS-Windows. I’d much rather be able to cycle windows. There’s some
suggestions in the main fvwm FAQ about how to do this, although that still
didn’t quite emulate what I was after – indeed, none of the solutions
cycled back round to the first window. So, here’s my solution to it.
InfoStoreAdd TabDir Next
DestroyFunc FocusRaiseAndStuff
AddToFunc FocusRaiseAndStuff
+ I Iconify off
+ I Focus
+ I Raise
DestroyFunc SwitchDirection
AddToFunc SwitchDirection
+ I Test (EnvMatch infostore.TabDir Next) InfoStoreAdd TabDir Prev
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) InfoStoreAdd TabDir Next
DestroyFunc SwitchWindow
AddToFunc SwitchWindow
+ I $[infostore.TabDir] (CurrentPage, !Iconic, !Sticky) FocusRaiseAndStuff
+ I Deschedule 134000
+ I Schedule 700 134000 SwitchDirection
Key Tab A M SwitchWindow
This might look elaborate, but all it is doing is saving the direction
conditional Next
or Prev
in the InfoStore
variable TabDir. Then
the SwitchWindow function cycles through the windows in the saved direction
and starts a 700 millisecond timer via the Schedule
command. If Alt-Tab
is hit again before the timer goes of, the direction remains the same,
the timer is stopped via the Deschedule
command, and a new timer is started.
Once the timer goes off, the SwitchDirection function changes which direction
is saved in the TabDir variable, reversing the direction next time Alt-Tab
is pressed.